WEEK 6: Mon-Fri, July 21-25, AM 9:00-12:00; PM 12:00-3:00
THERMOPOLIUM WEEK: From ancient Greco-Roman culture, a
thermopolium was a shop for ready-to-eat hot food, like our fast-food places today. We will learn to make things from common kitchen ingredients, some edible, some not so, some using thermodynamics, some not. We will try our hand at making bread, chocolates, popcorn, potato chips, sorbet or ice cream, elephants toothpaste, Oobleck, and slime. We will also examine and even taste a few culturally important foods from ancient Roman times, some exotic and some not so, and learn how we know about them 2,000 years later. We will also celebrate
National Thermal Engineering Day, July 24th, as that is the hottest day of the year.