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Are you a leader? Are you interested in joining our team?

Teen Internships

New England Sci-Tech accepts qualified high-school and college age students as interns. Most are unpaid, volunteer positions where we help train you on equipment, tools, and curriculum, mentor you in your activities and projects, and give you leadership opportunities to participate in public service, lead workshops, and mentor others. At the end of your time with us you may request a letter of recommendation for school or college or a certificate of community service hours.  To learn more, please email

Adult Volunteers

New England Sci-Tech seeks motivated adults who are interested in helping a community of educators help a community of learners. In a nurturing, team-driven maker environment we help train you on equipment, tools, and curriculum, mentor you in your activities and projects, and give you leadership opportunities to participate in public service, lead workshops, guide the company in its mission, and mentor other learners. To learn more, please email

Leadership Team

Volunteers and Interns may join our Leadership Team to help guide NEST in its mission. The Leadership Team currently has over 50 members who help in various ways. The Team meets on alternate Sunday afternoons at 4 pm, right after the public open house. To request to be on the leadership team and receive leadership team news, please email

Course Instructors

Do you have a skill or passion that you would like to share with others?  Would you like to teach a workshop or course? We are interested in what you would like to offer and can help you develop your ideas. Our teachers are all volunteers but we hope eventually to work out a way to compensate instructors of courses that help NESciTech thrive.  To learn more, please email

Volunteer Examiners Team

If you are a ham radio operator, have an Amateur Extra License, and live in the Boston Metrowest region, we hope you will join the VE Team of New England Amateur Radio. We can help you get your VE credentials. Read about how our team hosts Amateur Radio License Exams in Natick and how to sign up to help with VE sessions.  For more information, please email