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HomeWorkshop: 3D Design & Printing

3D Printing

Join me in the 3D Printer workshop to work on any projects you'd like to make on a 3D printer. The workshop includes instruction on making a 3D model of your design using CAD, as well as proper usage Prusa MK3S printer. This is a class for everyone interested in learning how to take advantage of the power of 3D printing.

Workshop Dates/Times/Price

Workshops are free for members of NEST and will take place on Saturdays from 10:30 am to 11:30 am for as long as our high school teen instructor is available. You may come to any one or all of these workshops. Learn at your own pace.

NOTE: This web page explains the details of this workshop. To register, please click on the actual course start-date in the EVENTS CALENDAR and look for the REGISTER tab to the upper right.


About the Instructor

My name is Kal, and I am a senior in high school who is going to be teaching and assisting in this workshop.

Skill Levels

There is no requisite skill level and all that are open to learning and creating should feel free to join.

What to Bring

We will have computers here, but you may bring your own laptop for learning TinkerCAD. Programs can be stored in the cloud, so students can access them from home.