9:00 am – Yard Sale opens in the lobby. Limited access to other parts of the building.
10:00 am – Field Day helpers begin to set up; limited access to building
12:00-4:00 – Public Visiting Hours, for tours, maker activities, Yard Sale items on display
12:00 pm – Lunch provided for members, participants, and guests (register link below for food)
12:50 pm – Group Photo?
1:00 pm – Tours, maker activities, StratoScience Workshop; Yard Sale items on display
1:50 pm – Group Photo?
1:30 pm – Planetarium Show; Build air-powered paper rockets, launch if weather permits
2:00 pm – Radio Field Day officially begins. Get On The Air!
2:00 pm – Scout group #1 arrives for GOTA activities and planetarium show.
2:30 pm – Planetarium Show; Build air-powered paper rockets, launch if weather permits
3:00 pm – Model Rocketry Club information session; StratoScience Workshop ends; Radio Field Day continues
3:30 pm – Scout group #2 arrives for GOTA activities and planetarium show.
4:30 pm – Public leaves; Members Game Night begins; Battlin'Bots begins; Radio Field Day continues
5:00 pm – Scout group #3 arrives for GOTA activities and planetarium show.
5:30 pm – Battlin'Bots Tournament; Radio Field Day continues
6:00 pm – Dinner for members and non-public participants
6:30 pm – Science or Sci-Fi movie begins in Space Science Room; Radio Field Day continues
6:30 pm – Scout group #4 arrives for GOTA activities and planetarium show.
9:00 pm – non-overnight participants leave; building closes
Yard Sale (9am-noon)
In the lobby, open to the public, with limited access to the building.
Public Tours and Maker Activities (12 - 4 pm)
For children of members and visitors, there will be facility tours and a number of different hands-on activities led by volunteer helpers. Make an electronics gadget, a LASER-cut art project, a woodworking project, and more.
Radio Field Day (2-9 pm)
Open to all licensed amateur radio operators worldwide, Winter Field Day is both a contest and a practice exercise of radio skills. There are hardy individuals who brave the snow and cold and get more points. We will stay warm and take a points loss but still have fun! Non-licensed adults and children can get on the air with one of our control operators. The contest runs 2 pm Saturday to 2 pm Sunday, but we plan to operate publicly only 2 to 9 pm Saturday. Properly licensed radio operators are welcome to begin at 2 pm and continue on their own through the night and into Sunday.
Model Rocketry Club Information Session (3:00 pm)
Information about the upcoming launch season, Sci-Tech Rocketeers club meetings, as well as learn and build sessions offered this spring and summer, led by Eugene Fedotoff who directs the club.
Girl Scouts Ham Radio Activities (2:00, 3:30, 5:00, 6:30 pm)
Four different scout groups will visit the radio room for about 30 min to learn about amateur radio and try to make a "first contacts." Then they will have a brief tour and a planetarium show.
Game Night and Movie Night (4-9 pm)
4:00-5:45 Board games, chess, Battlin'Bots, pool, computer games in main lab space
5:30-6:00: Battlin'Bots tournament- 1-minute rounds, point system scoring
5:45-6:15: Pizza and/or BYO dinner
6:30-8:00: Movie in Space Science Room - Main Lab for Battlin'Bots and Board games
8:00-9:00: Free time, 1 hr left for activities
9:00: Building closes
Provided by New England Sci-Tech. Meals will be provided for radio operators, club members, and any non-public participants of Field Day. A small donation per meal may be suggested. Please bring cash with you as change and credit may not be available.
- Emergency Preparedness Exercise
- Getting new, inactive, and potential hams on the air
- Presenting amateur radio to the public, and to school students
- Education in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields
- Having fun
- Operation from emergency power – generators & solar charged batteries
- Computer logging with N1MM+ Logger; training available on-site & possibly in advance
For rules and other information about the Winter Field Day, click here.
Anyone interested is welcome to visit the FD site. However, a successful Field Day club operation requires participants willing make a commitment to come for at least part of the weekend, including set-up and/or clean-up. If you would like to participate in Field Day, as a member, radio operator, or even as a spectator/visitor to find out more about it, sign up here <<Winter Field Day Signup>> or contact Bob K5TEC.
VISITORS should sign up to alert us of when you plan to arrive, but feel free to just walk in if you are uncommitted to a time.