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HomeResources: STARS Leadership

STARS Leadership Positions


The primary business of the Annual Meeting is to elect officers and conduct business related to the running of the club over the coming year.  

The 2024 Annual Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 4, 7:00 pm. Please note that only active members of STARS or NEST may run for office or vote in the election. 

STARS Document of Organization – download

You Can Make A Difference at STARS

Please begin thinking about whether you would like to run for STARS’s elected offices or would be interested in taking on one or more of the appointed offices. 

You may nominate yourself for any of the positions. You may nominate any other person, but they must accept the nomination.

LINK TO Nominations for 2024 Annual Meeting

Officer positions that must be elected by the membership at the Annual Meeting

4.1 STARS shall have a minimum of three officer positions, a President, a Vice President, and a Club Call Sign Trustee (henceforth known as the Trustee). Another Officer may hold the officer position of Trustee.
4.2 The Officers shall be elected yearly by the general membership at a meeting called during June or July. Nominees must be Active Members in good standing. Permanent vacancies may be filled by election from the general membership at a meeting called any time of the year.

  • President  – Ideally suited for a person with strong leadership skills and a desire to help the club advance and grow. The President leads club meetings and major club events.
  • Vice President – Ideally suited for a person with strong leadership skills and a desire to help the club advance and grow. The VP assists the President and leads in President’s absence.
  • Treasurer – There is no treasury to track, but the treasurer typically helps keep inventory of club equipment, memberships, and helps with decisions involving any financial expenditures.
  • Secretary – A very work-intensive position for an adult leader willing to maintain club records, correspond with ARRL/FCC/donors, compile and file reports, and compose regular newsletters and bulletins.
  • Educational Advisor – A position for a leader who has educational leadership experience such as teaching or related positions in a corporation.
  • Technical Advisor – A position for a leader who has extensive experience in technology, engineering, electronics, etc.


Officer positions that must be appointed by the new President at the Annual Meeting

  • Club Call Sign Trustees – The Club Call Sign Trustees must be registered with the FCC and therefore should continue to be the same people unless there is a valid reason to change them.

Non-Officer positions are appointed by the new President at the Annual Meeting

  • Science Advisor - Ideally suited for a member who has a background in science and technology and can help as needed to guide the club leadership.
  • Club Emergency Coordinator - Ideally suited for a member who enjoys participating in or supervising public service events and emergency preparedness.
  • Net Control Coordinator - A position of responsibility and leadership for a member who enjoys making regular contacts, has attention for detail, and is willing to run nets as well as encourage others to participate in running nets.
  • Station Manager(s) - A position of responsibility and leadership for a member who enjoys visiting the shack regularly and has a personal interest in keeping the room in good condition.
  • Club Events Coordinator - A position of responsibility and leadership for a member who has an interest in coordinating events for members.
  • Field Day Coordinator - A position of responsibility and leadership for a member who is a strong leader with excellent organizational skills.
  • QSL Coordinator - A position of responsibility and leadership for a member who enjoys making contacts, has attention to detail, and can follow through with QSL logging and mailings.
  • Contest Coordinator - A position of leadership for a member who will help encourage members to participate in radio contests such as JOTA, School Roundup, and others suitable for the club.
  • Speakers Coordinator - A position of responsibility and leadership for a member who is a strong leader with excellent organizational skills.
  • Fox Hunt Coordinator(s) - A position of responsibility for a member who will help arrange educational hidden transmitter activities during open times on Tuesdays or at club events such as Field Day.
  • Youth Ambassadors (Multiple available) - Ideally suited for youth members who want to be ambassadors for amateur radio and help educate other youth about the hobby.
  •  Collegiate Outreach Ambassadors (Multiple available) - Ideally suited for members who want to be ambassadors for amateur radio and help educate college level students about the hobby.

Current 2023-24 Elected Positions

President: Bruce N9JBT

Vice President: Max W0MXX

Treasurer: Yuri KC1LNQ

Secretary: Bob K5TEC

Educational Advisor: Mike K1WPI

Technical Advisor: Joe KM1P

Club Call Sign Trustees
Rishi Bhagat KC1BKX - for W1STR (current call sign)
Bob Phinney K5TEC - for W1CLA (legacy call sign)

Please note that the Club Call Sign Trustee must be registered with the FCC and therefore should continue to be the same person unless there is a valid reason to replace him or her. Currently there is a Club Call Sign Trustee for W1STR and a separate one for W1CLA. The FCC will not allow a person to be trustee for more than one station call sign.

Current 2023-24 Appointed Positions

Science Advisor: Max W0MXX

Emergency Coord: Stu W1SHS

Net Control Coord: Eric KC1OAV

Station Managers: Joe KM1P and Bruce N9JBT

Club Events Coord: Joe KC1QAZ

QSL Coord: Joe KM1P, Eric KC1OAV

Contest Coordinator: Joe KM1P

Speakers Coord.: Steve KC1MWF

Fox Hunts: Max W0MXX

Youth Ambassadors: Tate K1MKD, Mark S. KC1MNF, and Max W0MXX

Collegiate Outreach Ambassadors: Zachary KC1NXK, Mike K1WPI


Other possible positions that have been suggested:

Membership Coordinator
Volunteer Coordinator
Winter Field Day Coordinator
Club POTA/SOTA Coordinator
Club Repeater Coordinator

STARS Outreach Coordinator (created in 2021, a position which would be to connect NEST and STARS with local partnerships to build outreach education)