This instructor-led 3-hour class will give the student a beginner’s introduction to Kinetic sculpture - where creative thought, art, mechanical design, embedded electronics, and engineering all intersect to make something beautiful. Along the way, we’ll cover the necessary tools, concepts, processes, and mindset, as well as look at a working example of a professionally-created gallery piece of art for inspiration. Students will be given a basic kit of necessary components in order to get started, plus instructor help in completing a first, simple Kinetic sculpture project. Students will be expected to scrounge around at home for objects they can incorporate into the main part of the sculpture. Teens and adults are welcome.
The single instructor-led class meeting will be an introduction to the concepts and techniques as well as construction of a simple project. Those wishing to take it to the next level will be able to sign up for an additional workshop time or become NESciTech members to be able to come back and keep working on projects. The instructor is Greg Paul, a local Master Builder and Sculptor formerly with the David Lang Studios in Natick.
NOTE: This web page explains the details of this workshop. To register, please click on the actual course start-date in the EVENTS CALENDAR and look for the REGISTER tab to the upper right.
- What is Kinetic Sculpture?
- Getting started; finding inspiration
- The design process
- Executing your vision
- Experience with a soldering iron. (Take our electronic gadgets class one time or schedule a time to come in and practice.)
- Bring your creative mind and sense of exploration; this is what makes it all possible
- Young students must be able to listen and follow safety instructions at all times
- Students are expected to understand how to SAFELY use simple hand tools, assemble fasteners