For students of Latin in grades 6 through 9, extra help in Latin is available. Latin tutoring can be arranged in blocks of 1, 1.5, and 2 hours on certain afternoons, evenings, and weekends. Sessions can be booked in advance in blocks of 6 hours for a reduced rate.
- Help with 1st or 2nd Year Latin using your own book
- Help with grammar, syntax, parts of speech
- Help with translations and sentence construction
- Help with general knowledge, geography, history, mythology
- Help with exam prep for National Latin Exam
Tutoring is best done in person, but it can be done online by Zoom.
Tutoring takes place at New England Sci-Tech. Parents are welcome to stay or drop off student. Wifi, snacks, and coffee are available.
The instructor has taught classical Latin for 42 years and has taught many exam prep classes to hundreds of students.
For questions, e-mail or call 508-720-4179.
Rates for occasional single meetings:
1 hour block - $50 each meeting
1.5 hr block - $65 each meeting
2 hr block - $75 each meeting
Rates for multiple sessions:
6 hours bulk price - $210 ($35 per hour)
12 hours bulk price - $360 ($30 per hour)
Additional hours beyond 12 - $25 per hour
If you are dropping off your child, please fill out the Student Drop-off and Permissions Form after registering your child for this workshop.
Please be aware of our Cancellation and Refund Policies.
NOTE: This web page explains the details of this workshop. To register, first arrange the dates and times with Bob, then they will appear in the event calendar. Then click on the actual tutoring start-date in the EVENTS CALENDAR and look for the REGISTER tab to the upper right.