❏ APPOINTMENT and Exam Application: Go to this LINK and select an IN-PERSON EXAM with New England Amateur Radio in Natick. There you will REGISTER to fill out an exam application (an electronic VEC Form 605).
❏ Exam Fee: You will pay at the door by cash or check when you arrive for your exam. Normally the exam fee is $15 for one attempt at all three license elements. However, if a candidate does not pass a test and wants to re-test for the same element, they must pay an additional fee. We will forward the fee to the ARRL VEC along with your exam scores and application. Make checks out to New England Amateur Radio, Inc.
❏ U.S. PHOTO ID: ONE legal PHOTO ID will need to be shown to the VE Team. Adults must show a U.S. or state-issued driver’s license, non-driver state ID, or U.S. passport. Under-18 students may show one of the above items, or the student shows a school ID or birth certificate and a legal guardian presents a photo ID.
❏ Parental Consent: For children under age 13, a parent must download and complete this COPPA Parental Consent Form and email it to the address on the COPPA form. Parent will stay in the room during a child’s exam.
(*Parent or guardian of a child candidate must be present for the rules and answer questions. If child is under 13, a parent will remain in the room with the child.)