Games Available
• Use Pool Table with care. If you don't know how to play, ask for help. You must use correctly to avoid damage.
• Games include Chess, Checkers, Magic (the card game), Monopoly, Go, Scrabble, Super Scrabble, Pictionary
• Amun-Re, Barbarossa, Puerto Rico, Race for the Galaxy, The Gathering Storm, Alien Artifacts, Taj Mahal
• Moon Mission, Hilarium, TriBond, Visionary, Eminent Domain, Clue, Star Wars Monopoly, BattleShip
• Retro Arcade Game machine with 500 games like Pacman, Space Invaders, Donkey Kong, Frogger, etc.
• We are happy to take donations of playable games. Let us know if there is a game you would like us to provide.
Planetarium Shows on Game Night - Occasional
• The
4-meter inflatable dome is in a room with many space science artifacts, meteorites, etc.
• There is room for approximately 8 to 10 middle-school to high-school students or adults.
• The dome has a double door vestibule for easy access while standing up.
• An HD video projector, amplified speakers, and a computer, make up the projection equipment.
• The dome is made of a fire retardant material and easily flipped up and over the group for emergency exit.
• We have a
variety of multimedia shows about planets, asteroids, Galileo, eclipses, NASA missions, etc.