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HomeGame Night - Members

Saturday Game Nights for Members
RSVP required; members only; see guest policy; sign up at bottom of page

Members RSVP required; see guest policy

Feb 22, 5-9 pm - Battlin'Bots, MAGIC the Gathering, games, etc.

Mar 1, 5-9 pm - MAGIC the Gathering, Battlin'Bots, retro games, etc.
Mar 8, 5-9 pm - Dungeons & Dragons, MAGIC the Gathering, etc.
Mar 22, 5-9 pm - Battlin'Bots, MAGIC the Gathering, retro games, etc.

Apr 5, 5-9 pm
- Dungeons & Dragons, MAGIC the Gathering, etc.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Game Nights
 • Board Games, Battlin'Bots, MineCraft, Rocketry, Ham Radio, Planetarium Shows.
 • Enjoy our large common room to play games with friends or come on your own and join other gaming folk.
 • BYO games or play our in-house selection. Bring extra money for snacks, pizza, drinks.
 • Occasional Chess tournaments, Dungeons & Dragons games, and Magic "gatherings."
 • A retro Arcade Game machine with 500 games – Pacman, Space Invaders, Donkey Kong, Frogger...

 • Generally 5:00-9:00 pm on select Saturdays.
 • All members and guests must sign in at door and wear name badges during event.

Age Restriction Policy
 • All participants must be in 4th grade and up. Please do NOT bring younger siblings.
 • Participants under age 13 should have a buddy to hang out with, or a parent should accompany them.
 • Participants age 13 and up may attend without a buddy or parent as long as they are self-reliant and behaved.

 • We often offer Science or Sci-Fi video clips for educational discussion; most are PG, sometimes PG-13; parental discretion advised.

Assortment of Board Games for Game Night

Guest Policy
 • Each member may register and pre-pay up to two non-member guests at $10 each.
 • Walk-in non-member guests must pay $10 at the door. 
 • Non-member guests must wear a visitor name badge.
 • If a non-member guest wishes to participate in a maker activity, a "materials reimbursement charge" may apply.

Food Policy
 • You may bring your own food and drinks but please nothing messy.
 • The kitchenette has a coffee maker, microwave, toaster oven, and refrigerator.
 • We have snacks, granola bars, Ramen noodles, and fizzy water drinks for $1.00 to $1.50.
 • We are NOT a nut-free facility. Please be careful if you have allergies.
 • Often we order pizza, which you can purchase for $2.50 a slice.
 • Participants must avoid making a mess, must clean up, recycle, and be responsible. 

RSVP required; members only; see guest policy

Retro Multi-Arcade Game Machine - free, no coins needed.

Battlin’ Bots
 • This is a real engineering activity, building "problem solving" and critical thinking skills.
 • It is popular with students in grades 4-8 but suitable for high school level as well. 
 • This activity is free for members during member hours.
 • Build “Battlin’ Bots" using motors, wood, metal, and found materials.
 • Work in teams to brainstorm a design, solve problems, and control your bot in a shielded arena.
 • When bots are ready, they can battle each other, two at a time. Repair your bot and battle again.
 • We provide materials for your first bot as part of your membership - drive motors, platform, basic hardware.
 • Later you may add up to two additional motors. Additional materials may be purchased from us or you can bring items from home.
 • We provide one plastic shoe-box size container to keep your bot here so you can work on it any time you come in.
 • If you abandon your bot for more than 6 months, your bot may be disassembled to recycle parts and make room for other bots.

Check out some Battlin' Bots highlights on our NESciTech YouTube Channel.

RSVP required; members only; see guest policy

Battlin'Bots on Game Nights

Games Available
• Use Pool Table with care. If you don't know how to play, ask for help. You must use correctly to avoid damage.
 • Games include Chess, Checkers, Magic (the card game), Monopoly, Go, Scrabble, Super Scrabble, Pictionary
 • Amun-Re, Barbarossa, Puerto Rico, Race for the Galaxy, The Gathering Storm, Alien Artifacts, Taj Mahal
 • Moon Mission, Hilarium, TriBond, Visionary, Eminent Domain, Clue, Star Wars Monopoly, BattleShip
 • Retro Arcade Game machine with 500 games like Pacman, Space Invaders, Donkey Kong, Frogger, etc.
 • We are happy to take donations of playable games. Let us know if there is a game you would like us to provide.

Planetarium Shows on Game Night - Occasional
 • The 4-meter inflatable dome is in a room with many space science artifacts, meteorites, etc.
 • There is room for approximately 8 to 10 middle-school to high-school students or adults.
 • The dome has a double door vestibule for easy access while standing up.
 • An HD video projector, amplified speakers, and a computer, make up the projection equipment.
 • The dome is made of a fire retardant material and easily flipped up and over the group for emergency exit.

 • We have a variety of multimedia shows about planets, asteroids, Galileo, eclipses, NASA missions, etc.

Planetarium Shows on Game Nights