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Membership Categories Explained

You don't need to be a member to take our public workshops. You can try us out first.  

You may join the Amateur Radio Club or Rocketry Club separately from NEST.

Benefits of NEST Membership

  • Members get reduced prices for most workshops.
  • Save more with 6-month and 12-month memberships.
  • Use members' hours to work on projects, use tools and equipment.
  • Members get up to 84 hours of members' hours per month.
  • All clubs are free (Rocketry, Radio, Robotics, Inventors, etc.)
  • Select "special interests" to receive bulletins about club activities.
  • Get free access to Game Nights and other members' events.
  • Youth members get free extra hours during school vacation days.
  • Teen members may bring a parent with them for free. (grade 4 up)
  • Adult members may request access beyond member hours.
  • Families may request sibling discounts on some workshops.
  • Members may store small projects in plastic bins at NEST.

Battlin’Bots is popular with students in grades 4-10. Free for members, typically meeting on Fridays 6-8 pm, Saturdays 10-noon, and Game Night Saturdays 5-9 pm.

Regular Members' Hours are typically Tues 3-9 pm, Thu-Fri 6-9 pm, Sat 9:30-3:30, and Sun 12:30-3:30.

FAQ: May I turn off my membership for the summer and restart in the fall? A: Yes, but when you do that, you will need us to reinstate the membership when you return. It is best to purchase a yearly membership with the lower rate and get two months free.

TEEN - monthly $45

Any individual child/teen from grade 4 and up who can work independently of parents. A parent is encouraged to participate with the child. Auto-renews each month.

TEEN - 6 month* $175

All the advantages of Teen Monthly, but fee is for 5 months with 1 month FREE. Auto-renews every 6 months.

TEEN - 12 month* $350

All the advantages of Teen Monthly, but fee is for 10 months with 2 months FREE. Auto-renews every 12 months.

*Please email us if you already have a membership and want to change it. We will explain how.

ADULT - monthly $45

Any individual 18 yrs and older, (no children) with up to one spouse or partner in the same household. Auto-renews each month.

ADULT - 6 month* $175

All the advantages of Adult Monthly, but fee is for 5 months with 1 month FREE. Auto-renews every 6 months.

ADULT - 12 month* $350

All the advantages of Adult Monthly, but fee is for 10 months with 2 months FREE. Auto-renews every 12 months.

*Please email us if you already have a membership and want to change it. We will explain how.

FAMILY - monthly $60

Up to 2 adults and 4 youth (grades 4 and up) living at the same address. We encourage parents to participate with their children.  Auto-renews each month.

FAMILY - 6 month* $250

All the advantages of Family Monthly, but fee is for 5 months with 1 month FREE. Auto-renews every 6 months.

FAMILY - 12 month* $500

All the advantages of Monthly, but fee is for 10 months with 2 months FREE. Auto-renews every 12 months.

*Please email us if you already have a membership and want to change it. We will explain how.

RADIO CLUB ONLY - $60/year

Individual who wishes to join ONLY the Amateur Radio Society (STARS).

Discounts only for radio-related workshops

Access limited to radio activities

No additional activity clubs

For any individual who wishes to join the Radio Club independently of NESciTech. Includes a spouse/partner or a parent as supporting member for a child age 10-18. Allows radio club privileges and access to meetings, events, and radio room, but only limited access to NESciTech facility.  Membership will auto-renew each year.

ROCKETRY ONLY - $60/year

Individual who wishes to join ONLY the Sci-Tech Rocketeers (STR).

Discounts only for rocketry-related workshops

Access limited to rocketry activities

No additional activity clubs

For any individual who wishes to join the Rocketry Club only. Includes a spouse/partner or a parent as supporting member for a child age 10-18. Allows rocketry club privileges and access to meetings, events, and rocket building, but only limited access to NESciTech facility.  Membership will auto-renew each year.

SUPPORTING - $20/month

ADULT membership for an individual or volunteer in a supporting role

Discount on some courses and workshops

Access to makerspace up to 16 hrs/month

May join 2 activity clubs for free

For individual ADULTS who want to help our mission either as a supporting member without using the space much, or volunteering their time in return for occasional use of the facilities.
Membership will auto-renew each month.


For ADULT and HIGH SCHOOL student volunteers only, by request

Discount on certain courses and workshops

Limited access to makerspace for activities

May join 1 activity club for free

For ADULTS and HIGH SCHOOL students who want to help our mission by volunteering in return for occasional use of the facilities. Please donate a minimum of 8 hours per month of volunteer time helping with a workshop, club, marketing, technology, etc. Auto-renews every 3 months.
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Upcoming Members Hours